The Long Good Friday - LK2 are trialling a new working pattern
We are a forward thinking and innovative company and we are supporting our team by creating a great work/life balance here at LK2.
Our CEO Dale Lui, explains our plans for ‘the long good Friday’.
We are always looking for ways to support our team and make sure that working here is their number one preference and not simply a necessity.
We all know that happy staff produce the best work, and in turn, make our clients happy – so we want our team to enjoy coming into the office.
Because of this, we have decided to trial new working hours, with our offices closing from 1pm every Friday over the next three months.
Our inspiration
We are always searching for ways to improve our team’s wellbeing and really optimise what we do, and how we do it.
Although, in the UK we are still a little behind our European counterparts when it comes to work/life balance, LK2 are hoping to change this.
One of the core reasons Sweden has consistently ranked highly as one of the best places in the world for work/life balance is its flexible approach to working hours.
A 2017 report showed the only 1.1% of the nation’s employees work very long hours, the second lowest share among the OECD’s 38 countries.
Fortunately, change is underway here in the UK and LK2 want to play a key role in pioneering a different approach.
Only this month MP Helen Whately introduced a flexible working bill in Parliament, which if taken forward, would make flexible working the norm in employment contracts and require employers to advertise positions as suitable for flexible working unless certain conditions are met.
The trial
We have started the trial this week (Monday 22 July) and will adopt this approach for three months.
How it will work
Our team are very committed to their work and arrive early in the office Monday to Friday, so in order to maximise their weekends we have developed a format which allows everyone to leave at 1pm on a Friday.
This means that Monday through to Thursday, our people will be working 8 hours 15 minutes, allowing for an early finish on Friday.
Will it impact our work?
We are proud of our hardworking team and are certain these changes will not affect our work, and will instead boost satisfaction both internally and externally.
We will continue to give our clients the utmost attention during our working hours, and hope our clients will support us in striving to make LK2 a great business to work with and for.
What’s next?
We are excited to implement this new approach, and will share our learnings with our team and clients.